Our Email Addresses

All emails may be received by more than one recipient. Your email may be answered by any one of our Board Members, executives or staff.

News. Do you have news about your company or a public event you want to share; we will gladly share it .
We require the name of your company, the name of the person of contact, your direct contact phone number and email address news@reemployamerica.us

Listings. If you wish to list any products or your company on the website, please include the website and product categories as indicated on our directory to the right. If you do not see a category that best fits your product, please suggest one. We will only list products "Made in USA" or are predominately "Assembled in USA". We will not list products that may be manufactured and/or assembled in other countries as well as the United States.
To list your product or company, you must be an authorized representative. You must include your name, title and direct contact phone number, this information will not be included on this or any other website or publicly open database; this is so that we can contact you and verify the product submission.
Submit your listing(s) to listing@reemployamerica.us

Other Inquiries. info@reemployamerica.us
For all inquiries, questions, suggestions or obtaining other information not found on the website.
Be specific with your inquiry.